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The Importance of Excellence in Your Listing

September 6, 2024

One of my favorite books is “Chasing Excellence” by Ben Bergeron.


The central idea of the book is that excellence isn't a destination but a continuous journey—a mindset of perpetual improvement. This philosophy is incredibly relevant to our short-term rental (STR) business, where the pursuit of excellence should be an ongoing commitment, not a one-time achievement.

In the STR industry, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of new opportunities—whether it’s acquiring your first property, expanding to a second, or implementing the latest technological advancement. While there’s nothing wrong with this enthusiasm, problems arise when our focus on the new detracts from maintaining the quality of our existing operations.


Excellence Is a Daily Pursuit

To run a successful STR business, we must commit to pursuing excellence in every aspect—from property design and setup to listing creation, guest communication, pricing strategies, cleaning and maintenance standards, and property inspections. Excellence doesn't require luxury; it requires a commitment to doing the best with the resources you have.


What Does Excellence Look Like?

Excellence manifests in various ways across your STR business. Let’s explore some specific areas:

1. Listing Copy When was the last time you reviewed the copy on your listing? If it’s been a while, you might be surprised by what you find. I’ve been guilty of writing copy late at night, only to discover later that I made spelling errors or wrote confusing sentences. Excellence in listing design means regularly reviewing and refining your copy—monthly or seasonally—to ensure it remains accurate and compelling. Consider asking a friend or colleague to review your listing soon after it goes live. Fresh eyes can catch mistakes you might have missed.

2. Cleaning Standards How high are your cleaning standards? More importantly, does your cleaner consistently meet them? When you walk through your property, do you notice the small things—a stray hair in the bathroom, a lint ball on the stairs? Excellence means addressing these details, not rationalizing that they’re “not that bad.” Guests notice, and these small oversights can make a big impact on their experience.

3. Maintenance and Upkeep Do you maintain your property in peak condition? If an outlet cover is cracked or a kitchen faucet is loose, do you fix it immediately, or do you brush it off as something guests won’t notice? Excellence in maintenance means attending to these details promptly, signaling to your guests that every aspect of their experience matters.


The Ripple Effect of Excellence

Excellence builds on itself. When you consistently uphold high standards, you send a clear message to yourself, your guests, and your vendors that your property, their experience, and their work are of utmost importance. This attention to detail almost always results in coveted five-star reviews.

Vendors, too, will likely elevate their work when they know you’re committed to excellence. When you pay on time, communicate clearly, and hold them to high standards—kindly but firmly—they’ll be more likely to go the extra mile for you.


Avoiding the Normalization of Deviance

Excellence requires constant self-assessment. Sometimes, we might find ourselves slipping—cutting corners or becoming complacent in certain areas of our business. This “normalization of deviance” happens gradually. We deviate from our standards once, justify it, and before we know it, we’re far from the level of excellence we once upheld.

To combat this, take time regularly to evaluate your business practices. Are you still chasing excellence, or have you drifted away from it? This kind of self-reflection is crucial for maintaining high standards and preventing complacency.


A Community of Excellence

One of the things I love most about this community is the mutual inspiration and mentorship we provide each other. We push one another to be better, to chase excellence in every aspect of our STR businesses. This collective drive keeps us motivated and striving for more.

So, take a few minutes today to sit down and honestly assess where you stand. Where can you elevate your game? Where can you renew your commitment to excellence? Whether it’s in your property’s cleanliness, the precision of your listing copy, or the quality of your guest interactions, there’s always room to improve. Keep chasing excellence—it’s a journey that will continually elevate your business and the experiences you offer your guests.


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